Spinal Care Clinic
Here at Semmes Murphey, we have a unique understanding of how the spine relates to the rest of the nervous system. Our team includes board-certified physicians in neurosurgery, physical medicine and rehabilitation, interventional pain management, as well as licensed physical therapists who are trained to treat conditions of the spine.
We take a preventative-care approach with all patients and in many cases with interventional pain management and physical therapy techniques, we are able to help patients live pain-free and avoid surgery.
If surgery ever becomes necessary, our world-class neurosurgeons have immediate access to all aspects of the patient’s records, imaging, and previous treatments to aid in their delivery of excellent care - all under one roof.
Our specialists provide effective surgical and non-surgical treatment options for spine conditions, whether simple or complex.
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With a unique blend of world-class physicians, innovative technologies and comprehensive services, Semmes Murphey is a top choice for patients seeking spine care.

Tests & Procedures
Patients who come to Semmes Murphey are at a place that can provide every aspect of spine care from imaging, physical therapy, injections, nerve blocks, to spinal surgery.
- Ambulatory Surgery Center
- Anterior Cervical Discectomy & Fusion (ACDF)
- Artificial Disc Replacement (ADR)
- Epidural Pain Blocks
- Interventional Pain Management Services
- Lower Back Fusion
- Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (MISS)
- Occipital Nerve Injection
- Pain Injections
- Physical Therapy
- Spinal Cord Stimulation
- X-ray

Featured: Dr. Kevin Foley
Inventor of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
We have been on the cutting edge of spinal surgery since the founding of the clinic. Minimally invasive spinal surgery maintains effectiveness with a smaller incision and a faster recovery.
Watch VideoThe doctors at Semmes Murphey Clinic are leaders in minimally-invasive spine surgery, complex spine surgery, and spinal deformity cases.
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